Award Winning Outdoor LED Landscape Lighting Design Newport Coast CA
Illuminated Concepts is the premier Newport Coast outdoor lighting contractor. When we arrive at our initial outdoor lighting consultation, we take notice of the unique and prominent features of the home.
Our designer will walk the property with the client and give many suggestions of creative lighting effects that will truly enhance the beauty and utilization of the property.
After the project walk through and listening to what our client’s needs are, we will then come up with a creative, innovative design. This new outdoor lighting design will transform our clients home’s nighttime atmosphere.
” We sell nighttime tranquil environments, not just fixtures.”
We will then determine which of the following benefits will produce a dramatic nighttime transformation of their home and yard. Any reputable landscape lighting company will consider all of these elements when producing a quality landscape lighting design.
Understanding these elements ensures a customized design that reflects the homeowner’s unique style and maximizes the property’s potential.