5 Easy Tips for Outdoor Lighting Install
Most people don’t think about their outdoor lighting until they have an event or party to host. However, adding outdoor lighting can increase your home’s safety and security while also providing a touch of elegance. If you’re thinking about outdoor lighting install, here are five easy tips to get you started. Following these tips will help ensure that your outdoor lighting install is quick and hassle-free.
Plan your installation in advance
When planning an installation of outdoor lighting, it is important to have a clear objective in mind. Estimate the size and shape of the area you need to cover and determine exactly where each light will be positioned. This will make sure your install is accurate and easy to follow, saving you time and effort. Measurements are key to having an efficient install that looks good, so calculate your results accordingly for a perfect job.

Outdoor Lighting Install
Choose energy-efficient LED bulbs
Outfitting your exterior lighting with energy-efficient LED bulbs is a great way to save on your power bill while also reducing strain on the environment. These lights provide brighter, more reliable illumination than traditional bulb options and can last up to 20 times longer. In addition, they use less electricity and generate substantially less heat, resulting in improved efficiency all around. By making the switch, you’ll be helping the planet and your wallet too – all without sacrificing quality of lighting!
Be sure to install a weatherproof outlet
Installing electrical outdoor lights can add charm and character to your home’s exterior, but you must take the time to do it properly. If any wiring is going to be connected outside or in a damp area, it must be done so through a weatherproof outlet. Neglecting this step could lead to damage and perhaps even safety hazards in the form of electric shock or fire. Following proper installation instructions will ensure that you have an enjoyable outdoor lighting experience that is both functional and secure.
Use motion sensor lights around your property
Installing motion sensor lights around your property can provide a great sense of security, as they can detect any unexpected movement and alert you right away. Motion sensor lights are also a convenient and energy-efficient solution to regular outdoor lighting, as they automatically turn off after no movement is detected for a set period of time. Installing motion sensor lights is an easy DIY project when using quality products. Professional-grade motion sensor lights can be installed quickly, thanks to the conveniently simple wiring process. Keep your property safe with motion sensor lights!
Take into account the natural lighting
When planning your outdoor landscape lighting scheme, it is important to take into account the existing natural lighting already present. By connecting with this natural light, you can achieve a stunning effect for your outdoor areas that places the focus on your outdoor space and the surrounding landscape.

Outdoor Lighting Install
You will be able to provide additional light to brighten up dim spots and make sure your area has enough illumination, but also stay true to the environment by balancing the artificial lighting with what nature intended. Ultimately, by taking note of natural lighting in your plan, you can obtain a balance between form and function that creates an inviting atmosphere.
Proper planning is essential for a successful outdoor lighting installation. By measuring the space and determining where you want the light fixtures to go in advance, you can save yourself time and frustration. Choosing energy-efficient LED bulbs is also important for saving on your power bill and helping the environment. If you’re using electrical lights, be sure to install a weatherproof outlet. Motion sensor lights are a great security measure to consider around your property. Lastly, take into account the natural lighting when planning your outdoor lighting scheme.
Illuminated Concepts Inc. – OC Lights
23011 Moulton Pkwy B-5, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, United States
+1 949-455-9914
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